Prof. Chris McCool
Prof. Dr. McCool has performed a range of research in developing vision-based algorithms for agri-culture and in particular for horticulture. He has developed weed segmentation, weed scouting, fruit detection, fruit segmentation, quantity and ripeness estimation, peduncle segmentation, instance-based semantic segmentation across horticultural domains and segmentation methods to enable fruit harvesting. He has also been part of developing arange of robots/autonomous systems for agricultural and horticultural domains, including a sweetpepper harvesting robot and a weed management robot. He and his team, along with Prof. Bennewitz, developed PATHoBot the prototype glasshouse surveillance system that willbe used within this project.
- cmccool@uni-bonn.de
- +49-228-73-2368
- Nussallee 5, EG, room 0.004
- http://agrobotics.uni-bonn.de/chris-mccool/